Last Monday, I went to hiphop dance class and met two awesome dancers named Cesar and Tini. They taught the class and had a freestyle session at the end, where EVERYONE was involved and it was just so cool. Then, Cesar and his sister waited with me outside while my ride came. During our conversation, I learned that Cesar is studying dance therapy as a psychologist and I was like, "WHAT?!?!?! That's awesome!!!" because I study psych and love dance too!! I hope we become best friends. lol.
The next day, Tini texted me and invited me to her more advanced hiphop class and I had a blast again! I met a whole bunch of high schoolers from one of the Carolinas. Now, there are no dance classes because la gripe is scaring people away.
La Gripe:
The swine flu has hit Buenos Aires. Apparently, the government took all the tamiflu from the local hospitals so that they could keep track of everyone with the disease, but they only gave it to people in certain risks groups (old people, diabetics, etc), so a bunch of sick people were sent away without medicine. They then spread the disease, etc. Now that the elections are over, the government is more honest and saying that they're hecka cases, and now all the universities are closed, which is bomb because students get more time to study, but now us foreigners are the only people in session and we are in a huge classroom where we sit far apart. Needless to say, safety precautions are definitely being taken. (Don't worry, Mom!)
I am in love. With my tango instructor. Our whole group got a private lesson at a milonga (where peeps dance) called "El NiƱo Bien." It was super funny because the instructor shipped in a bunch of male dancers because our group is mostly girls. I was a little scared to learn at first because I heard that tango was very different and hard to learn, but holy smokes, I had the best teacher out of the bunch (for a while, we switched it up too), and he taught me so much! He did this bomb move where he flicked my foot, and twisted my body so I ended up like a beautiful pretzel. AND THEN!!!! As we were all leaving, my teacher stopped me (only me!!), and said "you have potential." I just about melted. I, of course, was wearing the hottest outfit of tennis shoes and a granny sweater because I had thought that we were walking a lot to WATCH tango. He then said that I should buy tango shoes this week, and then he gave me his contact info. I felt so special and happy and I love tango.
I don't know why I did not know this but one serving of yogurt with live bacteria can turn 3 litres of milk into yogurt!! Maddie, did you know that?!?! It's like magic, and delicious too.
Chocolate submersed in hot milk. uh-oh......
4th of July in Colonia, Uruguay:
Some friends and I made a weekend trip to Uruguay for the 4th and 5th. It was a one hour ferry ride, and Colonia is the cutest, chillest town ever. Apparently, nothing ever happens there, but we were so lucky and ran into Colonia Jazz Weekend, and got to listen to a delightful concert for $3 US! The weather was like 80 degrees both days. This is winter? I like. We also went horse-back riding along the beach and I galloped as fast as a lightening bolt!~ We also went to a delicious creperie. Basically, I ate delicious French food in Uruguay to celebrate the independence of the United States of America. : )
My host dad:
My host mom was describing an animal to me, "It's like a small monkey with teeth." Just then, my host dad's face light up as he thought of the perfect way to explain it to me in english. With the biggest smile ever, he said, "A. Big. Rat" : ) Love it.
Carlos Gardel:
Famous guy who sang tango. Went to his house in Abestos with a huge mall today.
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