
Saturday, April 3, 2010


I am walking! After two months of injuries and stupid choices, this is awesome.

I don't even know where to begin. Last December, I bought a cheap pair of boots, which led to an ankle injury at the end of January. Right then, I should have postponed my trip to DC, but I was too excited to taste independence on my semester off. So despite my mother's advice, off I went to intern at Ashoka.

Once there, I thought my leg felt good enough to explore the NE neighborhood of DC. That wasn't a good idea. To make matters worst, I decided to trek out the following day as well because a snowstorm was on the way, and I wanted to get out while I could. I saw Georgetown, which was cute and complete with froyo and salad shops, yum! Still, bad idea for the ankle.

It doesn't normally snow much in DC, so naturally there was a snowpocalypse shortly after I arrived. About five FEET of snow in a week. I was trapped inside with nothing but a cane for my deteriorating ankle, and wasn't able to get crutches for over a week because of the snow.

When they finally came, I crutched way too long in icy conditions to go grocery shopping and to get a library account. This resulted in me spraining my other ankle! So there I was, unable to walk in the midst of horrible weather. I was bedridden for a week before a wheelchair arrived (hallelujah!) and I was finally able to move without crawling. It was a terrible few days - I had to crawl to the bathroom. It gets worse.

My dad's friend very kindly helped me to move to my new sublet for March. Since the place was very close to work, I thought it would be alright to go in once a week (with the help of my amazing new roommate) as I had mostly been working from home. (Sidenote, my boss was the most amazing and understanding person through all of this craziness!) That was false because I threw both of my wrists out while wheeling around.

So let's recap: I had hurt both of my ankles and both of my wrists. I consider myself to be a pretty positive person, but this SUCKED!!!!!! A LOT! There were a couple of days when I was just really down because of the egregious situation I was it. Enter my saving grace: mom.

Thank goodness my mom had decided to come visit because I literally do not know what I would have done without her. She came and and acted as my hands and feet and brought me back to life. It was in those moments of pain that I recognized how amazing family is, and how lucky I am to have the parents that I do.

And for the friends who called to check in and helped to get me through the days of boredom and recovery. When you're injured, it's so easy to go paranoid and freak out at small things. I was so unhappy. In these instances, it was so helpful for me to occupy myself with work or talking to other people, so now I want to be like that too - someone who takes the time to visit peeps in the hospital. It really means a lot.

When I was scheduled to come home, my original ride had an emergency come up, and I had no idea how we were going to get to the airport. Thankfully, one of my best friend's mom's husband's first wife stepped up to the plate, and drove us two hours to the airport. Wow, the awesomeness of humanity continues to astound me.

Now I am home in Seattle, slowly recovering from this escapade. Learned the hard way that health must always be number one. I was so angry at myself for being so stupid, but then I watched the Bachelor, and they were talking about forgiving yourself for mistakes, and I was like, "yeah!" So, I forgive myself. Yes, I subjected myself to a treacherous couple of months, but it's time to move on because I don't believe in kicking myself for too long. Onward!

Except now my wrists kind of hurt, so I'm gonna take a break, and then hopefully write about all the good amazing things that have happened thus far.

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